Tricia A Bigelow

Harnessing Digital Tools for Efficient Conflict Resolution

In an era defined by technological innovation, the field of mediation is undergoing a transformation. Digital tools are revolutionizing the way conflicts are resolved, offering new avenues for efficiency, accessibility, and effectiveness. In this article, Tricia A. Bigelow explores the cutting-edge technologies that are reshaping mediation, from virtual mediation platforms to AI-powered dispute resolution tools. These innovations hold the promise of streamlining the conflict resolution process and facilitating more amicable outcomes.

Virtual Mediation Platforms: Bridging Distances, Fostering Collaboration

One of the most significant advancements in mediation is the rise of virtual mediation platforms. These platforms enable parties in dispute to engage in mediation sessions remotely, eliminating the need for physical presence.

Video conferencing, secure messaging, and file-sharing capabilities facilitate seamless communication and collaboration, making it easier for individuals separated by geographical distances to participate in the mediation process. This accessibility ensures that mediation is not hindered by logistical barriers, leading to more inclusive and efficient conflict resolution.

AI-Powered Dispute Resolution Tools: Enhancing Decision-Making

Artificial intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing conflict resolution through advanced algorithms that assist in decision-making. AI tools can analyze vast amounts of data related to the dispute, identifying patterns and potential solutions.

This data-driven approach enhances the mediator’s ability to offer informed recommendations and assists parties in making well-informed decisions. By augmenting the mediator’s expertise with AI-driven insights, the resolution process becomes more efficient and effective.

Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) Platforms: Streamlining the Process

Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) platforms integrate technology into the mediation process, providing a centralized platform for managing and resolving disputes. These platforms often incorporate AI-driven chatbots, automated document management, and secure communication channels.

By automating certain aspects of the mediation process, ODR platforms streamline administrative tasks, allowing mediators to focus more on facilitating productive dialogue and finding mutually agreeable solutions.

Tricia A Bigelow

Blockchain Technology: Ensuring Transparency and Security

Blockchain technology, known for its secure and transparent ledger system, is finding applications in dispute resolution. Smart contracts, which are self-executing contracts with the terms directly written into code, can automate specific aspects of agreements reached during mediation. This technology ensures that agreed-upon terms are securely recorded and executed, reducing the likelihood of disputes arising from misunderstandings or breaches of contract.

Data Analytics for Informed Decision-Making

Data analytics play a crucial role in modern mediation by providing insights into trends, success rates, and potential areas for improvement. By analyzing data from previous mediations, practitioners can refine their strategies and approaches. This evidence-based approach enhances the mediator’s ability to guide parties towards mutually satisfactory resolutions.

Conclusion: Embracing a Digital Future for Mediation

As technology continues to advance, the integration of digital tools into the field of mediation offers immense potential for efficiency and effectiveness. Virtual mediation platforms, AI-powered tools, ODR platforms, blockchain technology, and data analytics are reshaping the way conflicts are resolved.

By harnessing these innovations, mediators can navigate disputes with greater precision, foster collaboration, and ultimately, facilitate more satisfactory outcomes for all parties involved. Embracing the digital frontier of mediation ensures that conflict resolution remains a dynamic and adaptable process in our rapidly evolving world.

Tricia A Bigelow

Law Firm Culture: Fostering Collaboration, Mentorship, And Work-Life Balance

Today’s lawyers need more than a paycheck. These days, such professionals yearn for a law firm culture of positivity, collaboration, and mentorship. Most of all, they want a beneficial work-life balance, and rightly so.

With the drive for finding and retaining talent within the legal profession at an all-time high, firms are grappling to find a competitive edge. And it appears fostering supportive environments is the way to go. However, Tricia Bigelow, Attorney explains that this is no small feat for legal firms. After all, ensuring every level of management is conscious of the culture-creating efforts is challenging.

Despite the sometimes tricky nature, positive law firm cultures are the cornerstone of success for these businesses, who reap the talent-retaining, employee-satisfying benefits.

The Importance of a Positive Law Firm Culture in Today’s World

Historically, the legal profession isn’t famed for its healthy work options. But the modern generation of lawyers are turning that on its head, ensuring staff, partners, and each other uphold the same values and beliefs. It’s no longer just about maximizing billable hours; it’s about maximizing wellness.

Everything rests on a firm’s culture, including how they operate, communicate with clients, and work toward goals. The sense of community and loyalty that brings is unparalleled, improving team dynamics and collaboration throughout the company. Due to the stress and long shifts endured by everyone in the legal sector, this is something money simply cannot buy.

Moreover, teams with genuinely health cultures can take advantage of benefits beyond happy people. Those who enjoy what they do in their chosen field and its surrounding environment, encourage others to take note, ensuring firms receive a great reputation in the community.

Tricia Bigelow Attorney

Creating Positivity Within the Law Firm

The importance is evident, but it takes a surprising amount of work to get to that point. And it all starts with great leadership.

Leaders are the front-running, tone-setting individuals within the firm, but they also direct and guide other employees. They must operate with fairness, a sense of community, trust, respect, and purpose to guarantee these messages come off in the intended positive manner.

For all-around positivity, everybody must feel safe and understood in the firm. All employees deserve respect, which must be shown by leaders and anybody else at all times. Otherwise, the beneficial culture they hope to achieve won’t come to fruition.

Safety Promotes Openness Promotes Collaboration

The effects of feeling safe work surprising wonders — comfort often leads to opening up and emerging from inside their built-up walls to share ideas and potentially have a groundbreaking impact. Honest, free-flowing communication should always exist between attorneys, clients, and staff for suggestions and innovations that add value and help everybody grow.

Genuine compliments go a long way too. Couple that with expressing gratitude and legal professionals are more likely to want to head to work every morning. Not to mention, they won’t feel like jumping ship at the next opportunity that comes their way.

Positive law firm culture is the ticket to happy, healthy, productive and successful lawyers.

Tricia A Bigelow

The Anatomy of a Courtroom Trial

Courtroom trials can be dramatic, captivating, complex — and confusing.

Trials can take just a day’s time or drag on for months. There are so many players to keep track of that it’s easy to get lost in the who’s who of a trial. Sometimes there’s a jury and a judge. Sometimes there’s neither.

But with a skyrocketing interest in true crime and more trials being televised, many are attempting to keep up with legal proceedings. Tricia A. Bigelow provides a cheat sheet below of who’s who.

The Basics

A trial is any type of civil or criminal proceeding that includes evidence examination and concludes with a verdict. Typically, trials are overseen by a judge and a jury and can result in either financial penalties or jail time in state or federal prisons.

Civil cases, and some criminal misdemeanors, are sometimes tried without a jury — that often depends on the state where the trial is being held and if a defendant (the accused) waives their constitutional right to a jury trial. A plaintiff (the accuser) may also have to agree to a trial with or without a jury.

Much may take place before a trial officially begins. Defendants often make first appearances in court where they officially told the charges against them, asked if they understand the charges, and also asked if they understand their rights, such as the right to have an attorney.

Whether a jury is involved in a trial or not, trial proceedings are carried out in essentially the same way. If a jury is involved there is a period before the trial called voir dire, when members of the jury are selected after formal questioning and approval by both the plaintiff and defendant sides.

When a jury is fully selected, or impaneled, then the trial commences.

Tricia Bigelow Attorney


A trial usually begins with both sides making their opening statements. Lawyers representing both the plaintiff and defendant will take turns addressing the jury and outlining the case elements.

It is usually a summation of what the jury can expect to see and hear during the trial. Plaintiffs will lay out the essential reasons why the defendant is guilty, while lawyers on the defendant’s side will give the key reason why they are not responsible for the crime they are accused of committing.

From there, the order of trial events includes the formal presentation of evidence. This may include physical objects (a murder weapon, photos of the crime scene) or convey via testimony from witnesses called by either side. All evidence and testimonies must follow the ruling of the judge who determines whether a piece of evidence is admissible or not.

A judge will likely make numerous rulings during the course of a trial. In addition to acceptable evidence, judges must field objections from either side if they feel like one side is asking unlawful questions or if they feel they did not have adequate time to evaluate evidence or were informed of potential witnesses.

When a judge deems an objection “sustained,” they agree with the objection. If an objection is overruled, they disagree, and the line of questioning or evidence presentation continues.

Wrapping Up

When both sides have presented their cases to their satisfaction, a judge formally sends the case to the jury for deliberation. This is when a jury weighs all of the charges and decides whether to find a defendant guilty or not on each. In the U.S., jurors essentially determine if a case is proven beyond a reasonable doubt.

They may ask to review pieces of evidence again or read transcripts from parts of the trial. Juries may take hours or days to render verdicts. If they cannot unanimously agree on a verdict over a certain amount of time, a judge may make them try again or declare a mistrial.

If a jury is not involved, it is up to the judge to render a verdict as well as the associated punishment. If a defendant is found not guilty, they are usually released right away.

If they are found guilty, they typically return to jail and await the formal penalty phase of a trial, when a judge and jury decide either monetary punishment or the length and nature of jail time.

Tricia A Bigelow

Exploring Unique Legal Fields and Emerging Areas of Practice

Students considering a career in law may envision a life as a trial attorney, divorce lawyer, or corporate counselor – much like the ones they see on TV in their favorite legal procedurals. But there are lawyers working in almost every area of business and government, and therefore a myriad of options for specialized practice. There are lawyers fighting to protect the environment, assisting the elderly, negotiating celebrity contracts, and even regulating the seas.

Tricia Bigelow Attorney reviews a few of the niche specializations in law, exploring unique legal fields and emerging areas of practice.

Choosing a Niche Specialization in Law

The number of pathways to choose from in law can be overwhelming. Students might consider looking inward at what interests and causes excite them. Or take electives during their undergraduate to see if an area of study sparks their interest. Taking supplementary classes in the field of study (biology, economics, education, etc.) in addition to standard law courses may be helpful. Here are just a few examples of some of the more unique legal concentrations available.

Animal Law

Animal lovers could be drawn to this area of practice, which deals with defending animals and the people who oversee them. Lawyers may work for an animal rights organization, defend activists, expose inhumane treatment, or get involved with cases to defend endangered species.


Education lawyers often represent school districts or, alternately, parents and children in conflict with an educational institution. Cases may deal with discipline, educational policy, tuition fraud, or special education accommodations.

Elder Law

Elders are vulnerable to a variety of issues related to healthcare, guardianship, estate planning, employment discrimination, and more. This is where attorneys focusing on elder law come in. These attorneys may work independently or for nonprofits dedicated to protecting the rights of the older population.

Entertainment Law

If a lawyer loves movies, TV, theatre, music, and pop culture, entertainment law is a fun and rewarding pathway. Attorneys in this area often specialize in certain arenas, such as intellectual property protection for creatives, royalties and rights for films, protections for performers, and more. Staying on top of emerging technology, including the looming threat of AI, is key.

Tricia Bigelow


Environmental lawyers can work for the government, advocacy groups, and individuals in cases in using and protecting the land and natural resources. This can be at the local, state, federal, and even international level.

Maritime Law

Yes, even the oceans and the seas need attorneys! Maritime law (also called admiralty law) addresses the rules and regulations governing nautical offenses (piracy, etc.) and private maritime businesses.


Students with a head for both economics and law might consider entering the field of securities law, which concerns everything to do with stocks and bonds, including crimes like insider trading and fraud.

In Conclusion

No matter what pathway a lawyer takes, they have a high chance of career success as the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics anticipates a 10% growth in the career over the next decade. Therefore, it is a thriving field where early career professionals can follow their heart and find professional success.